EPTISA SOUTHEAST EUROPE DOO, with registered address: Dubljanska Street, No. 8, 11000 Belgrade, TIN: 107242111, responsible for managing European Houses in Serbia (hereinafter: “European House” or “We”) uses cookies to record personal data or information about how visitors use our website. All personal data and information are then used to improve and develop the website so that visitors have as many benefits as possible. In light of that, when you first visit our website, a window will pop up where you will be able to recall the choice of cookies. Only operational or necessary cookies will be pre-selected as accepted, and everything is as defined below, while you will have to accept other types of cookies yourself if you wish. In any case, please read this Cookie Policy, and visit our Privacy Policy and learn in detail about the processing of personal data that we implement.

What are cookies?

Cookies, pixel tags, and similar technologies (collectively ‘cookies’) are files containing small amounts of information that are downloaded to any device with internet access—such as your computer, smartphone, or tablet—when you visit a website. Cookies are then sent back to the website from which they originated on each subsequent visit, or to another website that recognizes that cookie. Cookies perform many different and useful tasks, such as remembering your preferences, generally improving your experience, and helping us offer you best views.

  • First-party cookies are those placed by the website you visit. Only those websites can read them. In addition, the pages can be used by external services, which set their own cookies, and these are called third-party cookies;
  • Persistent cookies are saved on your computer and are not automatically deleted when you close your browser unlike session cookies, which are deleted when you close your browser.

When you visit our website for the first time, you will be asked to accept or reject cookies (except operational or necessary cookies that must be accepted in advance).

The purpose is to allow websites to “remember” your personal preferences (e.g. username, language, etc.) for a certain period of time.

Therefore, you don’t have to re-enter them again when you browse the pages during the same visit.

Cookies can also be used to create anonymous statistics on browsing our website and the number of visitors, which means a lot to us. Certainly, we do no process your personal data.

How do we use cookies?

Our website mainly uses “first-party cookies”. These are cookies that are set and monitored by us, and not by any third parties. However, in certain cases, you may need to accept third-party cookies to access some of our pages. However, before accepting their cookies, we advise you to read their Cookie Policy.

In the light of that, we use three types of first-party cookies, namely for:

  • saving personal preferences of visitors;
  • functioning of our website;
  • collection of analytical data (about the behaviour of visitors), which cookies do not process visitors’ personal data.

1) Personal preferences of visitors
Cookies for these settings are set by us and only we can read them. They remember:

  • whether you have accepted (or rejected) the rules on cookies of our website (whether you have accepted some cookies or not);
  • if you have already responded to our survey (about how useful the content of our website is) so that the survey is not opened again next time you access our website.

The table containing these cookies is presented below:

Name Service Purpose Type and duration of cookies
eu_cookie_consent Set of consent cookies Records your personal preferences regarding accepted and rejected cookies (in this way, we prevent you from being asked again whether or not you accept some of the cookies, on your next visit to our website). First-party session cookies, which is deleted after the browser is closed
ecsi Survey cookies These cookies record information about whether you answered our survey during your previous visit to our website, all in order to avoid sending you the same survey again. Persistent first-party cookies, 1 month

2) Operational cookies, i.e. necessary cookies for the functioning of our website

Necessary cookies are essential for our website to functioning properly. They make it possible to use all the functions of the website, as well as to visit all its contents. Although these cookies collect certain information from the visitor’s computer, they do not serve to identify the visitor as an individual, but to enable the visitor to use the website.

In the event that the visitor does not accept these cookies, that is, in the event that you turn off the collection of these cookies, the use of the website may be disabled or access to certain contents and functions will be disabled. Operational or necessary cookies that we collect are as follows:

  • cookies for authentication;
  • technical cookies that are required for certain IT systems;

Cookies for authentication

They are recorded when you log in to the Commission’s website using our authentication service (EU Login)By doing so, you accept the privacy policy  that applies to those pages.

Name Service Purpose Type and duration of cookies
MyEACSDomain Identity management service Remembers your domain First-party session cookies, which is deleted after the browser is closed
__Secure_CASTGC Identity management service Identifies your session First-party session cookie, which is deleted after closing the browser
__Secure_ECAS_SESSIONID Identity management service Identifies the current session of the central authentication service First-party session cookie, which is deleted after closing the browser
ECAS_PREFS Identity management service Remembers your settings and personal preferences: user ID, username, accepted cookie rules, high contrast, privacy protection mode, display of account information after login, last used authentication method First-party session cookie, which is deleted after closing the browser

Analytics cookies

We use them only for internal research on possible ways to improve the operation of our website.

These cookies only track your interaction, as an anonymous user (collected data does not identify you personally – therefore, personal data is not processed through analytical cookies), on our website.

These data are not shared with third parties nor used for any other purpose. Anonymous statistical data may be shared with contractors working on communications projects based on a contractual agreement with us, but again this data does not contain personal data.

However, regardless of the circumstances that personal data is not collected in this way, during your first visit to our website, you can decide to not accept this type of cookies – in the cookies notification that will be available to you.

Name Service Purpose Type and duration of cookies
_pk_id# Analytical service of corporate websites, on the Matomo platform, an open source software Recognizes the visitor of website (anonymously – no personal data of the user is collected) Persistent first-party cookie, 13 months
_pk_ses# Analytical service of corporate websites, on the Matomo platform, an open source software Identifies all pages viewed by a user during a single visit (anonymous – no user personal data is collected) Persistent first-party cookie, 30 minutes

Third-party cookies

Our website may also display content from external service providers, such as YouTube, Facebook and Twitter. In order to view those third-party content, you must first accept their specific terms. This includes their cookie policy, which we do not control.

But if you do not view that content, third-party cookies will not be placed on your device.

Third-party service providers on our website:

You Tube
Internet Archive
Google Maps
European Parliament

Those third-party services are beyond our control. Service providers may change their terms of service, purpose and use of cookies, etc. at any time.

How are cookies managed?

How are cookies controlled and deleted?

Cookies place on our website are not considered to be accepted by themselves, so if you would like to disable or delete them, you must first explicitly accept them through the managed cookies tool that you will see during your first visit.

Disabling cookies through our cookie management tool

When you first visit our website, you will see a form that allows you to choose which cookies to enable and accept to collect data on our website. Except for essential cookies that are pre-ticked as accepted, you must approve all other types of cookies by ticking the box next to them. If you do not explicitly approve them, you will be deemed not to have accepted them.

Disabling cookies through the settings of your Internet browser

Most Internet browsers are set to automatically accept cookies. If you do not want our website to store cookies on your device, you can change your browser settings so that you receive a warning before certain cookies are saved. You can also set your browser to reject most of our cookies or only certain third-party cookies. Additionally, you can cancel your consent to cookies by deleting cookies that have already been stored.

In case you use different devices to access our website (including different types of devices such as phone, tablet, laptop computer) it is necessary to configure your browsers on all these devices.

Removing cookies from the device

If you delete the browsing history from your browser, you will delete all the cookies that are already on your device. This will remove all cookies from all websites you have ever visited.

However, keep in mind that you may also lose some saved data (e.g. saved login data, personal page preferences).

Managing cookies of individual pages

For better control over individual page cookies, check the privacy and cookie settings in your main browser.

Blocking cookies

You can set most of current browsers to block the placement of cookies on your device, but then you may have to manually adjust some personal preferences each time you visit a website. Also, some services and functionalities may not work well (e.g. logging in with a profile).