I. General data and data about the operator who processes personal data

Dear visitors,

Please read the Privacy Policy carefully before using our website. By using our website, you agree to our Privacy Policy and confirm that you have read it, that you understand the conditions under which we process your personal data and, therefore, that you have accepted our Privacy Policy.

EPTISA SOUTHEAST EUROPE DOO, with headquarters at: Dubljanska Street, No. 8, 11000 Belgrade, TIN: 107242111, responsible for managing European Houses in Serbia (hereinafter:“European House” or ,,We”), respects and protects the privacy of every person (natural persons – visitors of our website – hereinafter referred to collectively as: “Person” or “You”) whose personal data it collected and processes (hereinafter: “Personal data”).

The collection, processing and storage of Personal data is carried out in accordance with the Law on Personal Data Protection of the Republic of Serbia (“Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia”, No. 87/2018) (hereinafter: “the Law”), and when necessary, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation.

In this regard, as We are aware that privacy is important to You and in order to protect the privacy of the Person whose Personal data We collect, We have adopted and published this Privacy Policy, which defines which Personal Data We collect, in what way, for what purpose We process it, how We protect them, how long We keep them, and finally, what are your rights in relation to your Personal data. Therefore, the Privacy Policy outlines our practices regarding the collection of Personal Data, whether We collect it directly from You, from third parties, when You visit our website, through your written communication with us, or from other sources.

In any case, if You have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at any time at the email address: info@evropskakuca.rs.

Thank You for your trust!

Your European House

II. Basic terms and Personal data that We process

Personal data” is any data relating to a natural person whose identity is determined or determinable, directly or indirectly, in particular on the basis of an identity marker, such as name and identification number, location data, identifiers in electronic communication networks or one or more features of his physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural and social identity;

Processing of personal data” is any action or set of actions performed automatically or non-automated with personal data or their sets, such as collection, recording, sorting, grouping, i.e. structuring, storing, matching or changing, disclosure, inspection, use, disclosure by transmission, i.e. delivery, duplication, dissemination or otherwise making it available, comparison, restriction, deletion or destruction;

Controller” is a natural or legal person, i.e. a government body that independently or together with others determines the purpose and method of processing;

Processor” is a natural or legal person, i.e. an authority that processes personal data on behalf of the controller;

Recipient” is a natural or legal person, i.e. government body to which personal data has been disclosed, regardless of whether it is a third party or not, unless it is a government body that, in accordance with the law, receives personal data as part of investigating a case and process this data in accordance with the rules of the personal data protection related to the purpose of processing;

Consent” of the data subject is any voluntary, specific, informed and unequivocal expression of the will of that person, by which that person, by statement or clear affirmative action, gives consent to the processing of personal data related to him/her;

Personal data breach” is a personal data security breach that results in the accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure or access of personal data that has been transmitted, stored or otherwise processed;

Sensitive data” refers to data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinion, religious or philosophical belief or trade union membership, as well as the processing of genetic data, biometric data for the purpose of unique identification of a person, data on health status or data on sexual life or sexual orientation of a natural person; We do not collect your Sensitive data, unless You make it available to us voluntarily or if We are required to do so by applicable regulations..

Children’s personal data“ refers to persons under the age of 15; We do not collect Personal data from children. We collect Personal data of persons older than 15 only for the purpose of using information society services, in accordance with the provisions of Article 16 of the Law.

III. Principles of Personal data processing

Please keep in mind that, at all times, when collecting, processing and storing your Personal data, we act as follows:

  • Personal data will be processed lawfully, fairly and transparently in relation to the Person to whom the data refer (“lawfulness, fairness and transparency”);
  • Personal data will be collected for the purpose of specifically determined by this Privacy Policy, which are explicit, justified and lawful and still cannot be processed in a way that is inconsistent with those purposes (“limitation in relation to the purpose of processing”);
  • Personal data will be adequate, essential and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purpose of processing (“data minimization”);
  • Personal data will be accurate and, if necessary, updated. In this regard, We will take all reasonable steps to ensure that inaccurate personal data is deleted or corrected without delay (“accuracy”), and We ask You to always inform us of changes to your Personal data;
  • Personal data will be stored in a form that enables identification of the Person only for the period necessary to achieve the purpose of the processing (“storage limitation”);
  • Personal data will be processed in a way that ensures adequate protection of personal data, including protection against unauthorized or illegal processing, as well as against accidental loss, destruction or damage by applying appropriate technical, organizational and personnel measures (“integrity and confidentiality”).

IV. Personal data about You that We collect and process

The personal data We collect, process and store are as follows:

  • name and surname;
  • gender;
  • email address;
  • phone number;
  • city;
  • other Personal data specified in the Cookie Policy, which is available on our website.

V. Method of collecting Personal data

1) Personal data is collected directly from You, as the person whose data is processed or by other persons:

When You contact us using the section: Contact us

When You contact our employees (through the section Contact us on our website) in order to answer various inquiries, to provide assistance in the functioning of the website itself or for any problem or dilemma, You give Your consent to the European House to collect Your following Personal data:

  • name and surname;
  • gender;
  • email address;
  • phone number;
  • city;
  • email address.

The purpose of processing the aforementioned Personal data is to establish communication with You in order to answer Your inquiries or to specify Your request, to provide assistance in activating and functioning of the website itself, i.e. to answer all Your dilemmas and requests.

Providing the abovementioned Personal data is a necessary condition for establishing communication between You and the European House. Otherwise, We will not be able to respond to Your inquiry or help You.

The specified Personal data are stored in our database until You revoke Your consent, or the maximum of 10 years.

When You register to receive our newsletter

When signing up for the newsletter, You give us your consent to collect and process your name, surname, gender and email address for the purposes of sending notifications, information about promotions and prize contests and events that We organize, and for the purpose of sending gifts.

The purpose of processing the aforementioned Personal data is to send notifications, information about promotions and prize contests and events that we organize, about news, current events and promotions that We organize, and to send gifts (direct marketing).

The abovementioned Personal data is stored in our database until You revoke Your consent, and in any case, it is deleted after 10 years. You can revoke your consent at any time in the manner defined in Section VII Legal Basis for the Processing of Personal Data.

During Your visit to our website

During Your visit to our website, in certain cases, We collect and process Your Personal data through cookies.To find out more details about the above, please read our Cookie Policy.

2) Personal data provided by other parties

There are cases when you can provide us with personal data of third parties, in which case We will consider that You are authorized by the said party for such action, i.e. We will consider that You have consent for the said transfer and in no case will We bear responsibility for the transfer of Personal data of a third party.

VI. The purpose of collecting and processing Personal data

The purposes of collecting Personal data are as follows:

  • establishing communication with You in order to provide answers to Your inquiries or to specify Your request, providing assistance in activating and functioning of the website itself, i.e. in order to respond to all Your dilemmas and requests;
  • sending notifications, information about promotions and prize contests and events that we organize, about news, current events and promotions that we organize, and to send gifts (direct marketing);
  • other purposes defined in the Cookie Policy.

VII. Legal Basis for Personal Data Processing

In accordance with the principle of legality, We process Your Personal data on the basis of various bases prescribed by law, such as the following:

  • Your consent
  • We send notifications, information about promotions and prize contests and events that we organize, about news, current affairs and promotions that we organize, and to send gifts (direct marketing) based on Your consent. Also, based on Your consent, We register Your account and communicate with You through the section: Contact us.
  • Your Personal data obtained based on Your consent will be processed and stored in our database, as long as your consent exists, that is, until the eventual revocation of Your consent (direct revocation of your consent or by deleting Your account).
  • You can revoke Your consent to the collection, processing and use of Your Personal data at any time by sending an email to the email address: info@evropskakuca.rs or by deleting Your account.

Please note that revocation of consent does not affect the permissibility of processing Personal data based on Your consent prior to revocation.

VIII. Recipient and third party

We may disclose Personal data to certain recipients, i.e. third parties in accordance with the regulations governing the protection of personal data: marketing companies, communication services, IT service providers, government authorities, our employees, related parties in the territory of Serbia.

European House will not make Your Personal data available to other recipients, i.e. third parties, except in the cases specified in this Privacy Policy.

IX. Personal data storage period

Personal data that is processed solely on the basis of Your consent and it is stored until the consent is revoked, that is, until Your account is deleted, that is, up to the maximum of 10 years.

X. Rights of Persons in connection with the processing of Personal data

The person to whom the personal data refers has the following rights in relation to his/her Personal data, in accordance with the Law:

  • to request information on whether the European House processes his/her Personal data and to request access to that data

At the request of the Person, We will provide information about the Personal data of the Person processed by Us or our processors, in accordance with our instructions, about the purpose of the processing of Personal data, the legal basis and duration of the processing, the name and address of the processor and his/her activities related to the processing, the circumstances and impact on the violation of Personal data, as well as measures taken to eliminate them, and, in the case of data transfer, information on the legal basis of such transfer and the recipient.

We will provide You with a written statement in an adequate language as soon as possible, after You submit the request, and no later than 15 days from the date of receipt of the request. Submission of said written statement is free of charge, unless the request is clearly unfounded or excessive, and especially if it is repeated frequently. In that case, We may charge the necessary administrative costs of providing a written statement or processing the request, or we may refuse to process the request.

We are obliged to provide the Person to whom the Personal data refer, upon his/her request, a copy of the Personal data that we process. We may request reimbursement of necessary costs for making additional copies requested by the data Subject. If the request for a copy is submitted electronically, the information shall be submitted in a commonly used electronic form, unless the Person to whom the data relates has requested a different submission.

  • to request his/her Personal data to be corrected, supplemented or deleted

The data Subject has the right to have his/her inaccurate personal data corrected without undue delay. Depending on the purpose of the processing, the data Subject has the right to complete his/her incomplete personal data, which includes providing an additional statement.

The data Subject has the right to request that his/her Personal data be deleted by the European House.

We are obliged to delete Personal data without undue delay, if: 1) Personal data are no longer necessary to achieve the purpose for which they were collected or otherwise processed, 2) the Person has revoked the consent on the basis of which the processing was carried out, and there is no other legal basis for processing, 3) the Person has filed an objection to the processing, 4) Personal data has been illegally processed, 5) Personal data must be deleted in order to fulfil legal obligations; 6) Personal data were collected in connection with the use of information society services pursuant to this Law.

We are obliged to inform all recipients to whom Personal data has been disclosed about any correction or addition or deletion of Personal data or limitation of their processing in accordance with the Law or requiring excessive time and resources. We are obliged to inform the data Subject, at his/her request, about all recipients.

  • the right to transfer Personal data

The Person who is the Subject of Personal data has the right to receive the Personal data previously provided to us by us in a structured, commonly used an electronically readable form and has the right to transfer this Personal data to another operator without interference from our side, in the following conditions are met:

  1. processing is based on consent or on the basis of a contract;
  2. processing is done automatically.
  • the right to limit the processing of Personal data

The processing of Personal data can be limited by the European House, if one of the following cases occurs:

  1. the Person to whom the data refers disputes the accuracy of the Personal data, within the time limit that allows us to check the accuracy of the Personal data;
  2. the processing is illegal, and the Person to whom the data refers opposes the deletion of Personal data and instead of deletion requests restriction of the use of Personal data;
  3. we no longer need the Personal data to achieve the purpose of the processing, but the Person to whom the data refers has requested it for the purpose of submitting, exercising or defending a legal claim;
  4. the Person to whom the data refers has submitted an objection to the processing in accordance with Article 37, paragraph 1 of the Law, and an assessment is underway as to whether the legal basis for processing by the controller outweighs the interests of the Person.
  • The right to object

If the Person to whom the data refers considers that it is justified in relation to the special situation in which he/she finds himself/herself, he/she has the right to submit an objection to the processing of his/her personal data at any time, in accordance with the Law.

Additionally, the data Subject has the right to object at any time to the processing of Personal data by us for the purpose of direct marketing, including profiling, in which case We will stop further data processing for such purposes.

  • Rights in case of automated individual decision-making and profiling

The Person to whom the data refers has the right to not be the subject of application of a decision made solely on the basis of automated processing, including profiling, if that decision produces legal consequences for that person or that decision significantly affects his/her position.

  • The right to withdraw consent

If Your Personal data is processed on the basis of consent, You have the right to revoke consent at any time. Revocation of consent does not affect the admissibility of processing that was carried out on the basis of consent before the revocation.

XI. Contact for exercising rights of the Persons to whom the data refer

In case You want to exercise Your rights, please send an email with a request to the email address: info@evropskakuca.rs.

XII. The right to submit a complaint to the competent authority

In connection with the processing of Personal data, You have the right to lodge a complaint with the Commissioner for Information of Public Importance and Protection of Personal Data of the Republic of Serbia, as the competent state authority:

  • Commissioner for Information of Public Importance and Personal Data Protection
  • 15, Blvd kralja Aleksandra 15, Belgrade
  • e-mail: office@poverenik.rs

XIII. Transfer of Personal data outside the territory of the Republic of Serbia

The transfer of Personal data to another country or international organization, without prior approval, may be carried out if it has been established that that other country/international organization provides an adequate level of personal data protection. In this regard, the Decision on the list of countries, parts of their territories or one or more sectors of certain activities in those countries and international organizations in which an adequate level of protection of personal data is considered to be provided (“Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia”, No. 55/2019) (hereinafter: “Decision”) has been determined to provide an adequate level of personal data protection.

XIV. Links to third-party websites and services

Our website may contain links to third-party websites. Please note that we are not responsible for the collection, use, maintenance, sharing or disclosure of data by third parties. If you provide information on third-party websites and use those websites, the privacy policies and terms of use of those third parties will apply. We recommend that you read the privacy policies of the websites You visit before submitting Personal data.

XV. Confidentiality of Personal data and transparency

Your Personal data will be treated as confidential information and We will take appropriate necessary measures to protect it in accordance with the Law.

Access to Personal data will be granted only to persons who, considering the description of the work they perform, should be familiar with Your Personal data and only to the extent necessary for the performance of their tasks.

This Privacy Policy is available on our website. If we decide to change our Privacy Policy, the changes will be posted and published on our website.

In any case, if you have questions or requests regarding the processing of Your Personal data, please feel free to contact us at any time at the email address: info@evropskakuca.rs.