How to reduce the large backlog of cases in the courts in Serbia? How to speed up litigation processes and proceedings? The project of support of the European Union to the Supreme Court of Cassation (SCC) offered answers and solutions to the questions that have been a great burden on the Serbian judiciary for years – and which directly affect the citizens of Serbia.

Thanks to the cooperation with the Ministry of Justice, great results have been achieved in the area of reducing backlogs, and alternative dispute resolution with a focus on mediation and harmonisation of court practice. Marina Ćuić, a judge of the litigation department of the Third Basic Court in Belgrade and the deputy president of that court, explains that the EU support to the Supreme Court of Cassation consisted, above all, in hiring interns who were engaged in the registry office. The number of old cases of this court has decreased by about 25,000 in the past period, and the largest number has been waiting for execution for more than ten, and some even more than twenty years. “The support of the European Union programme enables us to reduce the number of old cases, which means that we can act more efficiently in other cases. First of all, citizens can more easily exercise their rights because their hearings will be scheduled in a timely manner. There will be no postponement of the trial for a period of one to two months, as it is now, but for a period of two to three months, as provided by the provisions of the Civil Procedure Law. This especially refers to executive procedures which are urgent by nature and which must be carried out efficiently and quickly,” Judge Ćuić points out. The reduction in the number of cases, especially enforcement cases, has also relieved judges. They can now dedicate themselves to other subjects and do their job more easily and with enhanced quality. Other employees have been also relieved, especially in the court offices. The European Union’s support for the rule of law, reforms in the judiciary and internal affairs in Serbia – reached more than 163 million euros in the period from 2014 to 2020. The European Union is currently implementing 19 projects in this area with the aim of supporting the functioning and strengthening of the rule of law in Serbia. The funds are used to support an independent and impartial judiciary, effective protection of citizens and communities, respect for human rights, proper law enforcement, as well as to support the fight against corruption, organized crime and human trafficking.