Call is: OPEN
Deadline: available at Deadlines Calendar page
Budget: 4.420.803 euros
Oblast: education, youth
Call is for: education sector
Call is: OPEN
Deadline: 31.12.2025.
Budget: N/A
Sector: Culture
Open to: creative and culutural sector in Western BalkansOpportunity is: OPEN
Application deadline: N/A
Funds: N/A
Sector: Education, youth and sport
Opportunity is for: The traineeship is open to all EU citizens, regardless of age. A limited number of places are also allocated to non-EU nationals.
Call is: OPEN
Deadline: available at Deadlines Calendar page
Budget: 4.420.803 euros
Oblast: education, youth
Call is for: education sector
Call is: OPEN
Deadline: 31.12.2025.
Budget: N/A
Sector: Culture
Open to: creative and culutural sector in Western BalkansOpportunity is: OPEN
Application deadline: N/A
Funds: N/A
Sector: Education, youth and sport
Opportunity is for: The traineeship is open to all EU citizens, regardless of age. A limited number of places are also allocated to non-EU nationals.