European integration is an opportunity for institutions, companies and citizens of Serbia to improve their life, community or business – this is the message from the launch of the EU Opportunity Week, which will be held until Monday in Belgrade, Novi Sad and Niš.

During the official opening, officials of the Republic of Serbia and the EU signed an agreement on new donations through the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance. The continuation of cooperation was also welcomed by the European Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi.

“The European Union already is Serbia’s largest investor and trade partner, creating a strong relationship that benefits both parties. And, as you can see, we are ready to further invest in our partnership and cooperation. This is a unique opportunity to create a prosperous future. Let’s use it together”, said Varhelyi.

The contribution of the European Union to new projects and programmes is EUR 162 million. The goal of such funds includes progressive, positive developments in the region, while the adjustment of laws and systems in the enlargement process continues. Serbia has been using these funds since 2007, and so far, these funds have been used for the reconstruction of hospitals, modernization of public administration, restoration of cultural monuments, construction of facilities for environmental protection, improvement of education, improvement of business and in numerous other areas.


“Our mission, my mission, is to make Serbia an even bigger part of the EU economy and society as it progresses on its path of integration. This means access for several Serbian companies to the largest single market in the world, with over 500 million consumers. This means the free movement of people, goods and capital and access to all the opportunities that Europe offers. From state-of-the-art research and development in IT and biotechnology, world-leading students and experts in various fields to some of the best agricultural products in Europe, Serbia has a lot to offer to the EU”, said Ambassador Giaufret.

“The package of funds that we have signed now amounts to almost EUR 200 million – EUR 162 million are EU grants, and additional co-financing from Serbia, which is necessary in order to prove the seriousness of this process with our contribution. The largest part will be focused on the Green Agenda. For example, thanks to the waste water treatment plant, everyone in the Zlatibor and Moravica District, where about 100,000 people live, will get sewage. We are talking about concrete benefits for individuals, for all of us, especially in local areas”, said Minister Tanja Miščević.

The new support package is aimed at the rule of law, judicial reform, the process of European integration, public administration reform and the implementation of the Green Agenda.

The largest part of the funds provided by the EU is allocated to the environment sector, where more than EUR 72 million will be used to improve infrastructure and increase institutional capacities for environmental protection, as well as climate change management and mitigation through the promotion of the Green Agenda principles. Part of these funds is intended for the construction of wastewater treatment plants for the Zlatibor and Morava District.


The EU Opportunity Week is a unique series of events that takes place from June 21 to 26 in Belgrade (MTS Dvorana), Novi Sad (Novi Sad Fair) and Niš (Hotel “Tami”). The Opportunity Week is jointly organized by the Delegation of the EU to Serbia and the Government of the Republic of Serbia.

In the course of five days, more than 120 information sessions and panels will be held, and those interested will be able to find out how to apply for EU programs, projects and funds. Numerous opportunities will be presented for entrepreneurs, businessmen, farmers, students, pupils, teachers, innovators, institutions, local governments, media, citizens’ associations and other organizations.