Call for expressions of interest for external experts: Development assistance analyst

Opportunity is: OPEN
Application deadline: 27 September 2024
Funds: N/A
Sector: N/A
Opportunity is for: Development assistance analyst experts

The Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia announces a call for applications for experts in the field of development assistance analysis. The objective of this call for expressions of interest is to set up a list of external experts.

Position: Development assistance analyst

The tasks to be performed by the experts will be as follows:

  • Conduct analysis of financial development assistance of local, national and regional development programmes/projects implemented by the EU as well as by other development partners, including international financial institutions, with the aim to maximize the scope and effects of EUs support to Serbia in achieving the national development priorities. The scope and areas to be addressed through the analysis will be based on the IPA III and Reform and Growth facility priorities.
  • The expert will draft and edit high quality substantive papers for maximum policy impact, and oversee the production of statistical and analytical documents, ensuring their timely and quality delivery – including synthesis reports, national, regional, local or thematic financial development assistance reviews, case studies and policy papers.

Expressions of interest should be submitted by 27/09/2024 15:00 CET at the latest in English language by electronic means to the following address:

More information you can find at: Notice of call for expressions of interest

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