The exhibition about the Negotin wineries “Trail of Wine” was officially opened at the French Institute in Serbia. It is dedicated to the cooperation between France and Negotin Valley and shows how wine permanently connected them almost two centuries ago.

The “Trail of Wine” exhibition will be open until October 6 and is part of the second day of the European Opportunity Week, which is dedicated to culture.

“Cultural heritage makes us closer and builds bridges between us. The European Union is committed to the preservation and promotion of Serbia’s cultural heritage, which is part of our common European heritage”, said Plamena Halacheva, Deputy Head of the Delegation of the European Union to Serbia.

She added that the European Union invested EUR 22 million in the “EU for Cultural Heritage and Tourism” project.

“France is a country widely for its wines, but throughout history there have been problems related to wine production. In the middle of the 19th century, French vineyards were destroyed by the grape phylloxera insect, and then France had to look for other markets where to purchase wines. Searching for the quality similar to French wines, we reached Negotin Valley and that’s when the cooperation between our two peoples began and continued to this day”, said H. E. Pierre Cochard, Ambassador of France to Serbia.

The French then helped winemakers in Negotin by bringing new knowledge and experience, and they got very high-quality wines, similar to French ones. From that cooperation, pimnice (or pivnice, both forms are correct) were created, small houses where wine was prepared and stored. A part of Negotin wineries was recently renovated through the  project “EU for Cultural Heritage and Tourism”.

Stanislas Pierret, Director of the French Institute in Serbia and host of the exhibition, said that the entire region of Negotin Valley is marked by French wines. “I would especially like to thank the historian Stanislav Sretenović who prepared the texts that are on the panels”, said Pierret.

Eight municipalities in Eastern Serbia and the Municipality of Topola in Šumadija were supported through the “EU for Cultural Heritage and Tourism” project. Major infrastructure works in Rajačke pimnice are currently in their final stages, and every year, on the occasion of the grape harvest, the festival “Day of Wine and Good Mood” is held there.

“As part of this project, around EUR 3.6 million were invested in the construction of infrastructure in Negotinske pimnice, and this is a good incentive and encouragement for private winemakers. I expect that in the future there will be an expansion of wine tourism in Negotin Valley”, said Uroš Kandić, State Secretary in the Ministry of Tourism and Youth.

This year’s festival in Rajačke pimnice “Day of Wine and Good Mood” will be held on October 12 in the village of Rajac near Negotin. Vesna Stanković, Director of the Krajina Museum of Negotin, spoke about the tradition of the wine culture in this region.

“I invite you to Negotin to try the wines made from the old autochthonous varieties – tamjanika, začinka, bagrina and skadarka, and to enjoy the wineries and the ambiance of the cellars, as well as to visit the Krajina Museum, the House of Mokranjac and the Hajduk Veljko Museum”, she said.

“EU for Cultural Heritage and Tourism” is a project aimed at the development of tourism as a significant economic potential for the economic development of Eastern Serbia and Lower Danube. It is financed by the European Union with EUR 22 million and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development BMZ with EUR 2.3 million, and it is implemented by the German Organization for International Cooperation GIZ.

The aim of the project was not only to preserve the past but also to create economic and cultural opportunities for the future. This initiative included eight municipalities in Eastern Serbia, Lower Danube and Topola in Central Serbia. The Golubac Fortress, Fetislam, Felix Romuliana, Rajačke pimnice and the King’s Cellar in Topola are the largest projects financed through this project. Support was also granted to those engaged in old crafts, home crafts and more.

European Opportunity Week

The European Opportunity Week, the second one in a row, is being held this year from September 23 to 27. The first four days cover the topics of business and innovation, culture, civil sector, media, education, youth and sports, local development, and the activities take place in the European House Belgrade. On the last day, panels on local development, territorial cooperation and green transition, as well as formal ceremonies and networking are held in Niš, at the “Tami” Hotel.

Find the detailed agenda and other details of the European Opportunity Week on the following page: 

During this event, you will have the opportunity to hear all about the most important European programs, projects and funds that are available in Serbia. Opportunities are numerous and include public calls, grants, loans, youth opportunities, student exchanges, competitions, skills development and free training.

If you are not able to follow the program live or online, you will be able to find all the sessions on the EU YT channel in Serbia, after October 7.